12 April 2008

A few thoughts on the BBC's Doctor Who image gallery. Which is also a laugh, and usually needs a good copyeditor. *volunteers*

OMG GUYS. Guys. Y'all. I am nearly done downloading the second Doctor Who ep this season. I like this world where there is new Who! I also am scared! What if something awful happens and fandom explodes again?

To help my suspense, I went to the BBC Doctor Who site. Of course.

They have this new game up! About how far in time you can fly the TARDIS in the vortex. It sounds really cool! Except there was this one time I played the Christmas Special game about how many aliens you can identify and freeze or something and I ended up destroying the world and having the website!Doctor telling me I was a really rubbish companion. It totally broke my heart and made me cry jaded me against playing any more games on the site. I also think my US IP address will block me from playing, too.

There are so many pictures of the Doctor looking really disturbed and traumatized. I think this may be Donna's effect? It is kind of funny, but it also looks like he doesn't know where the walls of his universe are anymore. Series three, it keelz.

More trauma!face. Also: why the Blue Suit of Doom? Whyyyyyy? It makes him look skinnier and boxier than he already is, and it usually makes his hair look sad. However, I am TOTALLY with the Browncoat love here.

And with the Browncoat look here. Donna, rock on. IT IS TOTALLY TIME FOR A CANON FIREFLY CROSSOVER. Ohmygod, BBC, please. It'd be like Joss and Rusty's lovechild.

I like that top, Donna. Kinda ehhh about the hairdo, but it's a pretty top.

Oh, Donna. I kind of love you. Not the way I love Rose, not "OMG you are so cute and hot and need to be grinning on my computer screen at all times if not actually hugging the Doctor" but my Donna-love is more like for a big sister. Like, I want to sit around watching movies and commiserate about the complications of having stupidly large boobs, and why guys don't fancy us more than they do but we don't need them anyway, and making plans for trips we'll never take.

Oh, Doctor. Don't look so panicked. DD-cups are scary, but not that frightening. I mean, reserve that face for the triple-Ds at least, right?

"Just because I am mimicking his oh-so-important-Timelordy crossed-arms stance and suit, doesn't mean I am holding back giggles! I am not being ironic at all."

"Donna. They're watching us. Through that box there."
"...I know."

And, to end:

"Look what I did with MY eyeliner pencils, guys! And my mum's Christmas tablecloth."

Oh, Beeb. You're so cute. And so is your special effects budget.

0 blown kisses: