As many who know me are aware, I love fanmixes. I think it's a really interesting way to explore themes in shows by finding songs that reflect them, and through cover artwork as well. It's also a great way to find out about new artists- the majority of bands on my iPod I discovered through hearing one of their songs on a fanmix, and then looking up more of their music. So I present to you: my fifteen favorite fanmixes, both my own compilations and others'. Click on album cover to link to each fanmix post.
All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone: A Jack Harkness Fanmix by
This mix explores the character of Jack Harkness on Doctor Who and Torchwood. It deals with his unique abilities and how he relates to the world and to all the people who've left him behind.

And They'll Never See You Fall: A Tenth Doctor EP by
One of the mixes that I put together. It focuses on the Doctor's brokenness in series three and four of Doctor Who, his difficulties in coping with life without Rose, and the difficulties others have of understanding him.

Broken Things New: A Dexter/Rita Fanmix by
Another mix that I've compiled. This one focuses on the relationship Dexter and Rita have in Dexter, and on the way both of them are emotionally crippled in some way, but still exploring the possibility of being able to love one another.

Cup of Tea: A Doctor/Rose Fanmix by
A collection of quiet songs that reflect upon the Doctor and Rose's relationship.

Ten/Rose - The Fine Art of Falling Apart by
PROBABLY one of my favorite fanmixes ever, and it even comes with some beautiful icons and a wonderful fic! This mix reflects on both Rose's and the Doctor's lives after they are separated in "Doomsday". Wonderful, poignant songs by a great selection of artists.

Happy Phantom: Of Love, Honey, and a Girl Named Chuck by
A cute mix of songs describing Pushing Daisies' Chuck. She's been given a second chance at life by her childhood sweetheart and his abilities to bring the dead to life.

HISS; a Crouch/Lestrange mix by
The beautiful cover art of this mix is matched by the great concept of the "fleeting moments" of the Doctor and Rose. While their traveling together is temporary, there is something eternal in them as well.

Measures of Infinity (or: How I Lost My Heart to Time) by
A wonderfully instrumental compilation focusing on the concept of trying to hold on to forever, in the relationship between Rose and the Doctor.

Nicotine: A House/Cuddy Fanmix by
This collection looks at the addictive nature of the relationship between House, M.D.'s Drs. House and Cuddy. While they often drive each other away, they are just as often the only person the other can return to.

No Happy Ending by
This mix focuses on the end of Rose and the Doctor's traveling together, and their reflections on their separation.

Pilots Watching Stars: A Post-Doomsday EP by
Focusing on Rose's learning to deal with her new life in a new universe, this compilation explores her learning to travel on her own.

Running Right Behind You: A Companions Mix by
This mix lovingly looks at the Doctor's companions- at his friendship with them, his loves, his needs, and each of their own unique features.

See My Friends: a Tenth Doctor mix by
Centered around the Doctor's difficulties with relationships in series three of Doctor Who. So sad, but so great.

Take a Walk Around the World by
I had a lot of fun putting this one together- it's all about the journeys Rose takes, from before she meets the Doctor, to long after. Each song has a very short bit of fic with it, showing the various aspects of her travels.

Watching Bridges Burn: A Ten/Rose Playlist by
Are the Doctor and Rose separated forever, or can they find a way back? This compilation is all about the doubts and hopes.
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