01 May 2008

"Well I told you about the total eclipse now but still it caught you unaware."

Oh, Klaus Nomi. How did I not know of you before Coilhouse enlightened me to your presence this morning? You and your entrancing countertenor singing talents (in German AND English!), your plastic triangular tuxedo, your krazy kabuki-esque makeup? I've never even been a fan of eighties culture (well, up until Ashes to Ashes) and you are simply so.... I can't even say 'cheesy'. I have no words. You overwhelm all description.

ETA: I CAN'T say cheesy. Not even. The music is good, and Nomi, you're actually pretty fucking talented with this whole opera thing. <3333

"Simple Man"

"Falling in Love Again"

"After the Fall"

Well I told you about the total eclipse now
but still it caught you unaware
But I’m telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we’ll be there
And even though you went to church upon Sunday
you thought you didn’t even have a prayer
But I’m telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we’ll be there

After the fall we’ll be born, born, born again
after it all blows away
after the fall, after the fall
after it all blows away

We’ll take a million years of civilization
We’re gonna give it the electric chair
But I’m telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we’ll be there

I see a hundred million lonely mutants
they are glowing in their dark despair
But I’m telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we’ll be there

Well the freak shall inherit the earth now
No matter how well done or rare
But I’m telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we’ll be there
We’ll build our radioactive castles
out in the radioactive air
And I’m telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we’ll be there

0 blown kisses: